I am please to announce that this years 2nd Annual Hot dog fest was a great success. It was originally planned for July - but with temperatures reaching in the 100's it was postponed for a few months. And I am sure glad we did; the weather was absolutely perfect and the dogs got to run in the park. We recently widened the park some more- so the dirt was very fresh- but the dogs certainly did not mind- it called to them to DIG!
This year we added some fun with a relay race.
Teams were divided into Team Demspey and Team Dillon. The object was to pass a pooper scooper with a fake hot dog in it to your team members while racing (or for most walking briskly) with your dog on leash. There was no winner because of a miscount- but everyone sure had fun. Everyone brought something yummy to share and it was certainly a really fun day. There were shirts with the Original Hot Dog Fest Logo on them, an optional doggie grab bag, we had some lovely additions of perennials to add to the garden thanks to Lila, Lacey and Bailey
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