Saturday, April 17, 2010

Delilah's Fly Litter born 4/17/2010

We are pleased to announce to birth of Delilah's puppies on Saturday- April 17, 2010.
There was 1 Tri Girl: Mayfly, 1 Tri boy: Dragonfly and 1 Red and white boy: Firefly. As a first time mom I was concerned about how Delilah would handle it. She amazed me. It was like she was looking forward to caring for these puppies all her life. As a few days went on I knew that little Mayfly was not doing well and even though I did everything I could - feeding her every 2 hours - she passed to Rainbow bridge just a few short days after she was born. Delilah was left with her 2 boys who she is very attentive to and loves very much.

Delilah testing out the whelping box before birth.

L-R: Mayfly, Dragonfly and Firefly

tired mama

She hold firefly close...

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