Moondrop Gardens celebrated their first Annual Hot Dog Fest this past weekend and WOW- it was so much fun. Even though the weather did not want to cooperate- all the dogs who had not seen each other in a while were on best behavior and had a blast. It was nice having many of the families meet each other since we chat on the google group and facebook- but never have met in person. I have a special relationship with all my puppy families so it was really nice to share this time with each other. They all have one very important thing in their life in common- their Moondrop Gardens Cocker Spaniel. It was nice to share stories, watch the puppies play together and see how they have grown from little puppies to big gorgeous cocker spaniels.
I am going to post some pictures here- but wait for everyone else's pictures and put together a slideshow.
I wanted to take this opportunity to thank everyone for coming and bringing all that they did.
Thank you Colleen, John and Ginger (Azalea) for making the doggie cupcakes and taking care of the cake for the adults.
Thanks Ann, Guy, Sophia (Fern) and Abbey for for making the delicious coleslaw, potato salad and cucumber salad. YUMMY!
Thank you Marlee (Iris) and Family for bringing the Macaroni Salad. Sorry you could not plant your beautiful Aster plant yourself- but we did it for you in Moondrop Gardens and stay tuned for a pic...
Thank you Beth, Barbara, Dubhlainn (Jasper) and Kaley (Teagan) for bringing the wings and the Philly Pretzels. Barbara- thank you soooo much for taking care of the dishes (next time I would prefer you to weed..LOL) and Beth for drying of course. That was a big help. Thanks for stopping to pick up paper towels in our EMERGENCY!!!
Thank you Theresa, Jamie, Caitlin, Danielle, Chris, Brian and Bella (Buttercup) for bringing the soda. You brought so much- we will have some for next year..LOL! Bella was a joy and we are so proud of her achievements.
We could not wait to taste the O'Brien's Tatertot Casserole and it was well worth the wait. Thank you Amy, Bill, Mikala, Collin and Betty Boop (Chamomile) for bringing it. Thanks Betty for the coolest kissing cocker salt and pepper shakers. I LOVE THEM SOOO MUCH! They look just like your mom and dad and i will cherish them forever.
Some families brought perennials to plant in Moondrop Gardens to represent their puppy. Because of the weather we could not have them plant them themselves- so we did it for them the next day.
Thank You Duhblainn for your butterfly bush....everyone knows how I love butterflys.
Thank You Marlee for you pretty Aster. I had fun painting the markers and hope you think they look just like your puppy.
Cristina and Rocco we really missed you! Sorry Rocco was under the weather- but I am posting his updated pictures here.

The Hot Dog Fest was such a great success I am already thinking of ideas for next years party.
If you have any ideas- let me know. I know there were allot of families that would love to be there- but could not. SAVE THE DATE: Last weekend in July 2010 for the 2nd Annual Hot Dog Fest. Stay tuned for exact details.
Like mother like daughter
Furgi (Erica) with her doggie peanut butter carrot cupcake.
cocker kid craft
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