Well the puppies are 3 weeks old and acting more an more just like little dogs. Playing and barking, whining and biting toys. They still rely on mom for love and food of course- and get very excited when she takes a break away from them. They are really starting to develop some personality in in the next few days we will venture to the unknown (upstairs to the house) where peace and quite will be no more and they can familiarize themselves with household noise and activity. Here are some updated pictures: Its still hard to get a good picture of the red coming in on the Red and white parti girls- I have to see about different lighting- but for now....
PS- all puppies noses will be all black- some take longer for pigment to come in.
Snowdrop's left ear is red and right ear is white...and she has patches of red on both eyes.

both Xanthium's ears are red and she has a patch only on her left eye

Here is the video from this week. They just woke up from a nap- so they were slow to start their antics-- but do so well by just being CUTE!!!! Watch it here:
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