On the RUN!!!!!!!!

What a week- it was like overnight they all turned into big puppies running and jumping all over the place. They spend most of the day upstairs hanging out with us and the other dogs. They are transported by laundry basket- and I do not know how much longer I will be able to make 1 trip---they are getting sooo heavy! Each day- 1 puppy gets to spend an entire evening after dinner int he den with us playing and exporing by themselves. This gives them a chance to have some alone time and get used to being away from their sisters and brothers. Another weeek and they will be really groomed. Some received little trims- but they really could use a full treatment.
They started eating solids with Rice cereal
and then a few days later their CANIDAE CHICKEN & RICE DOG FOOD; but it is soaked in water so it is not too hard for them.
They play hard and sleep alot.
Quince and Big Daddy Dempsey
Kaley at Attention
Here are some of my favorite pictures from the week...With all the ecxcitement of the puppy visit we did not really get a change for portraits this week- but I took some cute candids...

Rose gives an etiquette class .....and Dillon assists.
Rose sponge bathing the pups for Puppy Day!

This video is for Melissa (LOL)- she says her dogwas terrified of the vaccuum- so we made sure to adapt the puppies to vaccuuming - as you can see they remain sleeping and seem unfased- this is not thte first time I vaccuumed around them- so they are used to it..
This hilarious video (maybe it makes me a bad mom for thinking it is sooo funny) is Rose getting puppy ambushed in the morning. When they get to this age- all the puppies want to do is play- and it is a little overwhelming for a 4 year old to be ambushed by 7 puppies at once. I thought it was funny...but my poor baby Rose did not..lol...
Why did the chicken cross the road---Because QUINCE was determined to carry him there...sooo cute!
Jasper Learns to sit at 5 weeks old....
Morning line up....good morning!
Marjoram Gives a high Five...ps - that is not all poop on the bottom of the crate- they turned over their food bowl and all the food fell through the grate...just wanted you to know...I wish they pooped little rabbit pellets- BUT THEY DO NOT>
Lilly: Lilly gets the spotlight bc Melissa and family could not come to puppy day...only a few more weeks KIDS!!!!!
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