Well I know you all have been anxiously awaiting your 2 week photos. I am happy to say that everyone is growing rapidly. The weights change drastically from day to day. It is truley amazing. In the beggining of the week Rose was the first to announce that their eyes were open. We have a small viseo clip of that.
That squeeky noise in the backround is Rose saying, "their eyes are open!!" She was so excited. They are starting to get mobile a little bit.
Petunia actually stood up the other day to go to the bathroom. (Sorry- no video of that>.LOL) Daphne is taking more time to herself visiting her friends upstairs and getting to know Dillon. Dempsey on the other hand has been confined to solitary confinement. My beautiful Delilah thought it was just a perfect time to go into her first heat 4 days after her birthday. Of course we will be skipping this season- but with all going on and with the Stud Pad currently transformed into the Puppy Pavilion we are running out of room for dogs..I am going to check into that Hotel for Dogs they have in the movies. Maybe I can send him there. But it is working out OK so far. Please pray for me though..LOL! I am hoping my wonderful sister will take Delilah for a few days...I am hoping she will read this and know that everyone knows I am asking- cause them she will feel obligated to say yes. And I will post her response on this blog- this way everyone will know how much my sister loves me..! Like I had nothing else to concentrate on. I will say that Dempsey's girl is Daphne though. He does not seem to be too interested in Delilah. Which I find completely odd. It may be a ploy to catch me off guard. But if some of you don't know: HOWLING is a very common symptom of a male stud when we have a female in heat. Dempsey has been reserved. It may be bc there is just sooo much going on right now he just does not know which way is which and by the way that is OK with me..I am sure people with big kennels don't care bc they are not in their home. But we care- and it is a very challenging time for us all. We have many poor slept nights during those times. But it is all worth it when you come to pick up your puppy and we see your smiles..LOL! So that is what is going on right now. Oh - the pictures! That is what you came to see? Here they are. Happy Valentines Day! Sweet puppy kisses to all and I will kiss your puppies for you today.

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