This week we fed the puppies cafe' au lait and beignets... well not really- but we did go to church at St. Mary's after school on Wednesday to receive ashes and lit a candle at the St. Francis statue for all our puppies (thanks Beth for letting me know about it). I CAN NOT believe the puppies are already a month old. They are all jumping and running about. We have taken out the pig rail and opened the door to the potty area. They are mostly going in the area to relieve themselves. I can safely say that Petunia, Kaley, Lilly and Olive will be potty trained by the time they go home. As for Jasper, Marjoram and Quince...we are lucky they even get up to go...LOL! Those are my big puppies- they enjoy playtime too- but mostly sleepy time. I think they are saving up their energy for when they go home! They are certainly starting to develop little personalities and they are all so different. You are all very lucky I already have my hands full or I would be keeping them ALL!!!! This week they will be wormed for the the first time and start eating some rice cereal to give Daphne a little break to make their tummy's fuller. The week after they will start on their dog food. Oh- it is going so fast- before you know it they will be home with you.
Daniel decided to get in on this weeks photo shoot. He and Kaley really hit it off.
Speaking of Daniel-he decided that I was not paying enough attention to him- so he took some drastic measures. He decided to eat the ribbon from a spool of curling ribbon. I don't know how much he consumed. All i know is that there was 3 feet hanging out of his mouth. I was so scared that we would have to rush him to the emergency room for surgery- but the ribbon found its own way out - all 2.5 feet of it. I was very anxious and decided that all ribbon was banned from my home. I scoured the house looking for ribbon and opened the wood stove and threw it all in.... I am slightly ddramatic sometimes. I will be bitching the next time I have to wrap a present- but so be it. Daniel is fine and I promised him I would neglect him no more..
Here are this weeks pictures...Its starting to get more difficult to get a good one..But they are really growing big..and beautiful.

The most intense eye contact I have ever seen- she makes her presence known and can bark the the biggest already! So reminds me of Dempsey as a puppy- she is daddy's girl.

Looks like a meanie in this pic- but is a mush! Love him- so easy going and laid back. Loves to sleep all over the others on his back and play with the toys.