Here are somepictures Rose drew before we started. Can you tell what she has artistically interpretted..LOL! Remember she is only 4...
At around 7 PM Daphne started shivering. I put her in the box and combed her hair- she loves when you comb her. I took a fast look over to make sure I had everything I needed. Hemostats, rags, newspaper, towels, water, heater was going full blast...85 degrees in the room...OK we were ready... I sat down and started getting my paper and notes ready when Daphne got up she delivered her first puppy. WOW i thought..I am so glad I stayed home today. She was like an old pro and much less anxoius than last time which I remember distincltly she would deliver a puppy, turn around, look at it and bark as if her poo was moving...anyway- this time she seemed more relaxed and settled in.
It was It was a boy! and a sable to boot. We would name him Jasper. He was such a nice size weighing in a 10 ounces. It started to sink in that this was really happening and I was anxious- but felt confidant that Daphne and I could pull it off together. She is a dog that lives for a human touch and just petting her and stroking her back seemed to really relax her.

Daphne did her thing and we sat and sat and sat for about 1.5 hours before she started shake again and then KALEY was born. A beautiful jet black and tan girl with a white chin. She reminded me of Herbie from the last litter and she was a nice size too. Her nose was not filled in- but that will happen in time..Theres no such thing as a pink nosed black cocker..LOL

Daphne did her thing and we sat and sat and sat for about 1.5 hours before she started shake again and then KALEY was born. A beautiful jet black and tan girl with a white chin. She reminded me of Herbie from the last litter and she was a nice size too. Her nose was not filled in- but that will happen in time..Theres no such thing as a pink nosed black cocker..LOL
We waited and waited some more and next came a beautiful Sable parti LILLY- perfectly marked. She would have a nice mask- and a zillion people who wanted to take her home. If I really wanted to keep a puppy from this litter- she would be it. And she was a perfect size.

Marjoram aka "MARJE" was born next. A nice solid sable girl with a unique white patch on her muzzle that would be adorble when she gets bigger. Very unique.

We were on a roll and our next puppy was born. This one was different. He was noticably smaller and he did not have the same feel of the other puppies. He was limp. I rubbed and rubbed him trying to circulate some life. He would not take his first breath. I was devastated. I had planned with the expectation of 9 puppies last time that there would have been some puppies that did not make it. But had not really given it too much though bc it was so uneventful last time. I was sad- but he was small- and it was yet another thing I had not control over. God had a plan for little Nettle- and even though I was sad- I know it was for a reason.

Olive arrived next. She was a pretty black and tan girl with a little heart shape on her chest. That is how I can tell her and Kaley apart- by the amount of white on their neck. I knew their were 2 left and Daphne was relaxing which was fine- but once it hit the 2.5 hour mark I started to worry. I walked her and talked her and did everything I knew how to do. She had been nursing her new arrivals so that was the biggest help. Should I call the vet?>?? OK - I'll call.

As I was on the phone with them Petunia was born. I laughed as I hung up with them. Daphne likes to torment me sometimes. And she knows just what to do to get me flustered. Anyway Petunia surprised me. She looked too dark to be a sable parti. As I examined her closely I was sure she was a black and white tri. Tri because I could see some tan on her cheeks. That was a new color. We never had that one before. Her markings were nice as well and I was pleased.

Marjoram aka "MARJE" was born next. A nice solid sable girl with a unique white patch on her muzzle that would be adorble when she gets bigger. Very unique.

We were on a roll and our next puppy was born. This one was different. He was noticably smaller and he did not have the same feel of the other puppies. He was limp. I rubbed and rubbed him trying to circulate some life. He would not take his first breath. I was devastated. I had planned with the expectation of 9 puppies last time that there would have been some puppies that did not make it. But had not really given it too much though bc it was so uneventful last time. I was sad- but he was small- and it was yet another thing I had not control over. God had a plan for little Nettle- and even though I was sad- I know it was for a reason.

Olive arrived next. She was a pretty black and tan girl with a little heart shape on her chest. That is how I can tell her and Kaley apart- by the amount of white on their neck. I knew their were 2 left and Daphne was relaxing which was fine- but once it hit the 2.5 hour mark I started to worry. I walked her and talked her and did everything I knew how to do. She had been nursing her new arrivals so that was the biggest help. Should I call the vet?>?? OK - I'll call.

As I was on the phone with them Petunia was born. I laughed as I hung up with them. Daphne likes to torment me sometimes. And she knows just what to do to get me flustered. Anyway Petunia surprised me. She looked too dark to be a sable parti. As I examined her closely I was sure she was a black and white tri. Tri because I could see some tan on her cheeks. That was a new color. We never had that one before. Her markings were nice as well and I was pleased.
I decided that after 7 hours I would take a bathroom break. I was gone no more than 5 minutes and when I came back there was another addition. Another black and white tri. This time a boy. He has such nice even markings. Demspey's champion daddy is a black and white tri- so it was not unbelievable. And he has a really cool lightening bolt marking that runs from one leg to the next. I was very very pleased with Quince.
Here is a good comparison between sable and black...
Rose was there for parts of the delivery touching everything she was not suppose to- but if it was not for her I would probably would have been much more anxious than that .
She distracted me in so many ways and everything went mostly great. I felt like I had one of those good mothering moments where I could teach my child about life and death all in the matter of 8 hours. She was nonchalant as most 4 year olds are about intense issues and I was happy she was there with me. She of course was upstairs alot of the time watching TV and yelling down occasionally. "Did she have another one yet??" When the process came to a close and I did make my way upstairs I did notice chocolate cake crumbs all over my couch and an empty box on the floor and a chocolate lipped little girl sleeping in my bed..LOL!
It was a long night for us all....
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