We are so excited that our long awaited breeding of Vincent (Ch. Tell Tails Proof Positive) and Violet (Ch. Schiely's Mystic Breeze) have delivered us 6 gorgeous puppies. VIncent is one of my favorite all time boys. He taught me what reach and drive was suppose to look like and contrary to what some people think is one of the most important traits a sporting dog can possess. I had the pleasure of watching 8 year old Vincent win the Best in Show of Veterans at the Milton, NY dog show in March. It was very exciting as we cheered him on and was professionally handles by his partner Haley Hesskew. I also was lucky enough to attend Westminster Kennel Club dog show in NYC in February to cheer him and Haley on. It was such a memorable weekend (Love you Vince!)
Both Violet and Vincent are up to date on CERF and have have their hips registered with OFA.
We are planning on keeping a puppy from this litter and do have some wonderful homes already waiting for the puppies we do not keep for ourselves. Thank you for the inquiries.
Check Back Next week for pictures:)