Sunday, August 31, 2008
Family Visits
Saturday, August 30, 2008
The Puppy Spa Experience
This is Chamomile weighing in...
The puppies nails were clipped and filed so they don't scratch themselves or Daphne. We have been doing this every week- but this was part of the SPA experience.
Buttercup getting her manicure.
Next- each puppy received some extra pampering with kisses from James who assisted me for the night!
I trimmed everyone's hair around their eyes bc it is growing so long and almost covering their eyes. As an extra added bonus everyone received the puppy Brazilian! A little rear end trim to help Daphne clean her puppies easier (we will forgo photo of that...everyone was camera shy.)Erica stays still for a trim.
Puppies get combed and coiffed. Fern loves her new style.
What a Life!
Friday, August 29, 2008
Field Trip Outside
It was time for a field trip outside. The weather was gorgeous and although Jim was not ecstatic about puppy tinkles on the unfinished mahogany deck- it was for a short 30 minutes. It was their first extended period outside and although they were a little overwhelmed at first with their new world they settled down and ended up falling asleep after just 6 minutes. Just enough time for me to clean the nursery. LOVE LOVE LOVE DOGWOOD in the pic above. Love everyone- but he is my mini Dempsey!
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
4 Weeks in the Garden
Oh my puppies are getting so big and beautiful. We had so many escapees the past few days we had to remove the whelping box and revamp the nursery.
I have laid paper down and am keeping it there with a potty smell and i have seen many a SMART puppy get out of their little bed (where they do all retire) as they know it is cozy- and go make piddles on the paper. I have given a chair to Daphne to escape when she needs- and a nice big play area. Yesterday I went into the nursery and sat down. I called to the puppies to see if anyone would come to play with me - and the first one to come was Azalea. She jumped up and tried to get on my lap immediately. Then followed Buttercup and Fern. Then the rest of the puppies just tackled me when they saw all the kisses the others were getting. Rose thought it looked fun- so she jumped in and we were both smothered with love. It was such a great feeling. Their wobbly little steps are no more- they are running and playing and jumping. A few days ago some looked like out of control remote control cars with jerky movements and sudden backwards motion.
They will get dewormed today and I will clip their mails again. Everyone is doing well all weighing over 2 pounds. The largest being Dogwood weighing in at 2 and a half pounds.
Here are their 4 week pictures. Everyone went out to the "Garden" for the first time on such a beautiful day!!!

Sunday, August 24, 2008
What a Weekend!!
Buttercup who will also coincidently be renamed to "Bella" will go home with the Ecchers from Long Island and have 4 wonderful children to love her!
Iris will be going home with the newlywed Erin and Kevin when they come home from thier honeymoon in September. Have fun at your wedding!!!
And Lucky Dogwood will find a new home with the Deans in White Plains.
I consider myself really lucky to have found forever homes as great as I have for all my puppies.
Thank you all for visiting!!!!!!!!!
Friday, August 22, 2008
Field Trip Outside the Whelping Box
Rose's favorite puppy is Buttercup and she makes sure she tells everyone who stops by- so I have included a picture of Rose with Buttercup.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
3 weeks in the Garden
I will be adding another area to start setting up for the potty training. They say if you do it right- they will be paper trained to go in the potty area by 4 weeks...we'll see...LOL! I can't believe how big my puppies are getting. We had some visitors this week and everyone wanted to hold puppies! We also received lots of calls about them hopefully we will have some more homes for them. I have added some toys in the box for some diversity although they really can not play with them yet. Hope you enjoy the pics!
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Can I get A Whoof??
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Week 2 in the Garden...Open Your Eyes Sleepy Heads..

I cut all their nails for Daphne's comfort. She is really surprising me with her mothering skills. My poor girl has diarrhea since these little critters arrived. I have a call into the vet- just waiting for a callback. I am making sure she has plenty of food and liquids as I am a little fearful of dehydration- but she seems OK. For those of you that do not know; Usually if you lift the skin on a back of an animals neck and it stays tented and does not return to normal right away that means they are more than likely dehydrated.

Azalea will be adopted by Lisa in Texas,
Erica will be adopted my Rosina and CJ in Yorktown Heights, NY
Ginger will be going to live with the Cummins in Upstate, NY
and we have a few visitors coming to see the rest of the puppies at the end of the month when they are a little more active.
I noticed yesterday that they are trying to sturdy themselves to walk a bit and then they use each other for support. It will be any day that they will be off and running and then my job begins. I have had it easy for the past 2 weeks as Daphne tends to them diligently. I handle each one every day for weighing and some lovin' and occasionally bring a cat or other dog in for some sniffing. Rose also gets her chance on a daily basis to hold her pick for the day.

I was in fact not 100 percent sure that my brown girls were sable until this week. I am pleased to say that time has told that their beautiful chocolate covered caramel and toffee coats (some of them also marshmallow dipped)..YUMMY!!!! are definitely sable. Yes- i know that is totally over the top- but that is the best way to describe the colors if you can't see them in person. Plus they are just scrumptious. I knew that the genetic compilation was factored properly for sable...but this is nature we are dealing with- so one never can be sure. Hooray for sable! For those that so not know...sable is a beautifully rare color in cockers that has a rare percent of happening with the the most precise genetics and allot of LUCK!
On a personal note, this week was very sad for me- and i thank my friends, puppies, daughter and dogs for keeping me busy enough not to overly ponder the death of one of my dearest friends, Ron. He was my past employer, mentor, confidant and most importantly dear friend. He lost a battle with leukemia on Saturday and passed away. He was fond of animals and they were always fond of him. I write this small tribute to him because he was more than a wonderful human being. I thank him for sharing laughter, tears and just life with me. I loved you - and I will miss you Ron and their will always be a piece of my heart for you. Thank you for everything.